by Legislative Media | Dec 15, 2008 | Politics
For Rep. Senfronia Thompson, a veteran state legislator, moderate Democrat, and state party superdelegate who helped rally support for the nomination and landmark election of a black American (Sen. Barack Obama) for president, making history is a foundation of her own life.
With legislative achievements that include leading a major House committee for a dozen years and authoring more than 200 bills that became state laws, the renowned attorney – who represents northeast Houston and Humble – is a major player in the race for Texas Speaker of the House. Thompson’s personal and professional achievements drew the admiration of Obama when the Illinois senator was campaigning for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. "I’m honored to have earned the support of Representative Thompson and am pleased that she’ll play an important role in advancing our grassroots movement for change in Houston and across Texas," Obama said in a February 2008 statement. "Throughout her three decades in the Legislature, she’s been a tireless advocate for working families and when I’m president we’ll work together to put the American dream within reach of every child in Texas and across our country." Thompson, born in Booth, Texas, and raised in Houston, is Dean of women legislators in the Texas House of Representatives. See lead story later in this posting.
Dr. Francisco Cigarroa, M.D., featured left, the president of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, is reportedly one of two finalists to lead the UT System as chancellor. If he is selected, the Laredo native and transplant surgeon would become the first Mexican American chancellor of the sprawling UT System, which includes UT-Pan American, the UT Regional Academic Health Center in Edinburg, Harlingen, and Brownsville, and UT-Brownsville. The UT System, which includes 15 institutions and 185,000 students, is the largest system of higher education in Texas and one of the largest in the country. Cigarroa, along with former Sen. John Montford, D-Lubbock, are expected to be interviewed for the top job by the UT System Board of Regents this week during its meeting in Austin, scheduled for Thursday, December 18, and Friday, December 19. In this photograph, taken in 2006 during the ribbon-cutting of the UT-RAHC in Edinburg, are, from left: Cigarroa; Sen. Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, D-McAllen; and UT-Pan American President Blandina "Bambi" Cardenas. In a related story, McAllen construction magnate Alonzo Cantú has been appointed by the UT System Board of Regents to serve on an advisory panel to recommend the successor to Cigarroa, who will be retiring next summer from his current role as president of the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio. Also, the UT System Board of Regents are scheduled to review plans for a football team at UT-San Antonio. See the story on Cantú and a separate story on the UTSA college football team plans later in this posting.
The McAllen Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, December 4, presented Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas III, featured second from right, with its prestigious TR, or Teddy Roosevelt Award, given to individuals who, in the face of adversity, “do the right thing.” The chamber chose Salinas for his stance against the Border Wall and for his success in working with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to rethink the wall and instead rebuild portions of the county’s levees, said Steve Ahlenius, president and CEO of the chamber, who is shown in this photograph. The levee-barrier alternative, which Salinas fought for in Washington D.C., will save residences and businesses from having to purchase mandatory flood insurance and will protect southern Hidalgo County’s bustling industrial parks from flooding. The award, a beautifully drawn graphite portrait of the 26th president captioned and framed with one of President Roosevelt’s most famous quotes, was designed by McAllen artist Joe Taylor.
The Office of Hidalgo County District Clerk Laura Hinojosa recently partnered with Target to promote professionalism in the workplace as part of their office training series. The workshops, held monthly and proposed through employee feedback, consist of professional and technical development for staff throughout the year. Through their partnership, the district clerk’s office was able to borrow store apparel at no cost. During the session, staff volunteers modeled select ensembles for their peers during the “fashion show” portion. Featured, from left: Elias Arteaga, Roxanne De La Cruz, Norma Cantú, Erick Rodríguez, Angela García, Jessica Jiménez, Irma López, Janey Ramón, and Oneida Llamas. See story later in this posting.
by Legislative Media | Dec 8, 2008 | Politics

Rep.Verónica Gonzáles, D-McAllen, second from left, offers advice to the Edinburg City Council and top city administrators on Friday, December 5, during a legislative workshop held at City Hall. The preliminary legislative agenda, which has not yet been formally adopted by the city council or the EEDC, was presented to her, Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen, and Rep. Aaron Peña, Jr., D-Edinburg. Strategies dealing with the city airport received top billing at the legislative work session. Edinburg wants the 490-acre facility to be enhanced so it can also protect the public safety while it promotes international trade and commerce. About a dozen legislative initiatives were discussed. Featured, from left, are: Ricardo López-Guerra, chief of staff for Gonzáles; Gonzáles; Hinojosa; Peña, and Orlando Salinas, chief-of-staff for Peña. See story later in this posting.

It’s the Holiday Season and the McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is making plans for their Christmas Luncheon scheduled for Thursday, December 18 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Renaissance Casa de Palmas Hotel. The luncheon is being sponsored by Armondo Brennan of New York Life/Nautilus Group. The gathering will give new members an opportunity to introduce themselves to the membership. A short presentation will be made by Brennan on his services with New York Life and The Nautilus Group. Everyone dressed in some holiday attire will receive a special holiday gift courtesy of New York Life/Nautilus Group. Door Prizes will also be given away courtesy of the McAllen Hispanic Chamber and New York Life. Tickets to the luncheon are $15. For reservations and/or to purchase your ticket call the MHCC office at 928-0060. Featured, from left, making the final preparations for the luncheon, are: Armondo Brennan and Hazel Caraveo of New York Life/Nautilus Group; Rose Ramírez, Vice Chair of Health Issues for the McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Cynthia M. Sakulenzki, MHCC President and CEO of the McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Once again, South Texas College’s Business Office has gone above and beyond, this time earning the college accolades from the Government Treasurers’ Organization of Texas. The organization awarded STC its Certificate of Distinction for the college’s investment strategy.
The GTOT conducts an elective Investment Policy Certification Program, which is designed to provide professional guidance in developing an investment policy and to recognize outstanding examples of written investment policies. The program’s Certificate of Distinction is awarded by GTOT to entities that have developed an investment policy which meets established criteria. The certificate is awarded for two years and then may be renewed upon review. STC’s investing team poses with GTOT certificate. Featured, from left, is STC’s investing team: Myriam López, STC senior account; Mary Elizondo, STC comptroller; and Alma Church, STC senior accountant. See story later in this posting.
by Legislative Media | Nov 3, 2008 | Politics

The Edinburg school district on Wednesday, October 8, celebrated the Edinburg Centennial by hosting a special program and an essay contest detailing the city and school district’s history. The fifth grade finalists are shown from left: Brianna C. McCormick, Freddy González Elementary (honorable mention); Jean Almonte, Guerra Elementary (honorable mention); Brooke Baus, Canterbury Elementary (1st place); Julissa Alexandra Mendoza (2nd place), Esparza Elementary (2nd place); and Kiana Ramírez, Travis Elementary (3rd place). Also featured, from left: Rep. Aaron Peña, D-Edinburg; Paul Rodríguez; Patricia Galindo; Shirley Clancey; ECISD School Board President Omar Palacios; and Edinburg Mayor Joe Ochoa.

The McAllen Chamber of Commerce has announced that it will hold its 54th Annual Banquet on Friday, November 14, from 7 p.m. to midnight at the McAllen Convention Center. The event also will include the prestigious Man & Woman of the Year awards program. The Man & Woman of the Year awards are presented to individuals who have gone above and beyond routine civic service activities to promote the McAllen community and its residents. Organizing the event are, from left: Edna De Saro; Tammie Risica; Dora Brown; Ricardo Portillo; Blanca Cárdenas; and Andreina Milpaca. See story later in this posting.

With area leaders gathered in Mission on October 7 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of South Texas College, the STC Board of Trustees has commissioned a major study which could lead to the creation of one or several new campuses in the coming years. STC President Shirley Reed, featured first row, third from left, says the study could come up with preliminary projections at the beginning of 2009, with the final report due by mid-2009. Featured with Reed during STC’s 15th anniversary celebration were, from left: Sylvia Bernal from STC’s Office of Academic Excellence; former Rep. Roberto Gutiérrez, D-McAllen, the House sponsor of the legislation that created STC in 1993; Reed; George McCaleb; and Jenny Cummings. Standing, from left, were: Valley Scholar students Adrian Rivera and Melanie Silva; Program Coordinator Marie Olivarez; Anahid Petrosian, assistant to the vice president of instructional services; and Valley Scholars Raymond Manguera, Delilah Castillo and Isaac Pérez. See lead story on STC expansion plans later in this posting.
by Legislative Media | Sep 14, 2008 | Politics

Valley Land Title and Lone Star National Bank recently contributed monetary donations that will be awarded as scholarship funds to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of an essay contest that will be part of the city’s centennial celebrations scheduled to begin in October. All ECISD 5th graders are encouraged to participate in the contest. The topic is Edinburg. Featured in this photograph are, from left: Paul Rodríguez and Susan Valdéz with Valley Land Title; and Elias Longoria, Jr. with Lone Star National Bank. Longoria is also on the board of directors for the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation, which is the jobs-creation arm of the Edinburg City Council. See related story later in this posting.

The Museum of South Texas History, with its Upper Old Jail Gallery included in this postage stamp, will celebrate its hometown of Edinburg’s 100th anniversary in October with a week of activities coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce and the Centennial Committee. A special exhibit entitled, Edinburg: A Centennial Salute, 1908-2008, has been created to commemorate the historic event. Installed in the Upper Old Jail Gallery, this exhibit presents a sampling of photographs and artifacts from the museum’s collections and is organized into four themes. Those themes are education, government, civic life, and commerce. See related story later in this posting.

The McAllen Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs Council hosts monthly meetings featuring local elected officials, providing them the opportunity to reach out to McAllen Chamber of Commerce members among their constituents. On Wednesday, September 24, the McAllen Chamber of Commerce will welcome Rep. Ryan Guillen, D-Rio Grande City, as guest of the Governmental Affairs Council. Guillen will speak about his perspective of the major issues, challenges, and opportunities of the upcoming legislative session. Featured making preparations for the event are Matt Z. Ruszczak, vice-president of governmental affairs, and Eva-Jean Radle, vice-chair of the chamber’s Governmental Affairs Council. See related story later in this posting.

In Texas alone, more than 7,000 people are on the waiting list for life saving transplants. Knowing that the public has the power to donate life, the McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Donate Life Texas Organization are hosting an informative workshop to educate the public and dismiss the myths on being an Organ Donor on Thursday, September 25, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the MHCC Board Room, located at 24 N. 12th Street in McAllen. Texas Health Spring will co-sponsor the workshop and offer light dinner refreshments. There is limited seating so reservations are required by calling the MHCC office at 928-0060. Featured making preparations for the free workshop are, from left: Cynthia M. Sakulenzki, president/CEO of the McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Trisha Barrera, Donate Life Texas; and Rose Ramírez, MHCC Vice Chair of Health Issues and Texas Health Spring representative.
by Legislative Media | Sep 7, 2008 | Politics

Omar Palacios, president of the Edinburg school board, addresses hundreds of faculty and staff during the Tuesday, August 19 General Assembly, outlining some of the accomplishments and goals for the largest school districts in South Texas. One of the major issues facing the school district is the detailed groundwork being done to implement the $112 million bond construction measure overwhelmingly approved by area voters last May. In late August, the school district received news that the state will be sending almost $4 million as part of a long-range plan to eventually pay for more than 50 percent of the total bond construction debt. See related stories later in this posting. Featured with Palacios at the General Assembly were, from left: Mario Salinas, Assistant Superintendent for District Administration; Palacios; trustee Carmen González; board secretary Ciro Treviño, and board vice president David Torres.

For the sixth consecutive year, South Texas College will not increase its property tax rate. In fact, STC’s Board of Trustees voted at its August 21, 2008 meeting to slightly lower the college’s rate to $0.1498 per $100 of assessed property valuation, a 2.73 percent decrease from last year’s rate of $0.1540. “We recognize that many constituents in our districts are going through some economic struggles and so we felt it was important to look at ways to reduce the college’s budget, while ensuring that we do not have to raise taxes or tuition,” said Mike Allen, chair of STC’s board of Trustees. “We worked closed with the college’s administration, financial team, faculty and staff to make sure that every penny requested is tied to a student success initiative. We are very proud of all college employees for using restraint and keeping a keen eye on the bottom line – student access and success.” Featured in this portrait are, from left, sitting: Roy De León; Irene García; and Jesse Villarreal. Standing, from left: Dr. Alejo Salinas, Jr.; Manuel Benavidez, Jr., Allen; and Gary Gurwitz.

Byron Jay Lewis, (featured bottom row, third from right), president of Edwards Abstract and Title Co. is congratulated by community leaders and staff members for earning the Feature Business of the Month award from the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce. The local chamber’s Feature Business of the Month is a program that recognizes local businesses and investors monthly for contributing financial resources, support of the Program of Work and participation in the many events offered throughout the year. “We are honored to receive this recognition from the board of directors, Chamber Champions and staff,” said Lewis. “The chamber volunteers and staff, city leaders, business community and citizens of Edinburg have played a role in the continued success of Edwards Abstract and Title Co. and we want to say ‘thank you’. We look forward to serving you for years to come.” Included in this portrait, taken at the company’s corporate headquarters in Edinburg, are Letty González, (bottom row, fifth from right), the president of the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce, and Lee Castro, (bottom row, second from right), the chairman-elect of the local chamber. See related story later in this posting.
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