by Legislative Media | May 31, 2019 | Politics

Featured: As Hidalgo County’s population is quickly approaching almost 900,000, according to the most recent estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau, with that growth has come the need for the area’s judicial system to keep up with the increases in criminal and civil cases, according to Rep. Terry Canales, D-Edinburg. Canales, who also serves as Chair, House Committee on Transportation, in the last few days of the recently completed 86th Texas Legislature, helped shape legislation that authorizes the creation of two county courts-at-laws in Hidalgo County.
Graphics By Sapling Synchronized Clock Systems (
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by Legislative Media | Dec 31, 2018 | Politics

Featured: Justice Dori Contreras will be sworn in as Chief Justice of the Texas Thirteenth Court of Appeals at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 2, 2019, on the fifth floor of the Hidalgo County Administration Building, 100 E. Cano Street, Edinburg. She is the first woman to be elected as Chief Justice of the Texas Thirteenth Court of Appeals and only the second Latina statewide to hold the office of Chief Justice.
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by Legislative Media | Dec 6, 2018 | Politics

Featured, from left: Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen during the Tuesday, December 4, 2018 public meeting of the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court was among federal, state, county and local leaders to pay homage to Hidalgo County Commissioner Precinct 4 Joseph Palacios for Palacios’ two four-year terms in that office. On January 1, 2019, Ellie Torres of Edinburg will succeed Palacios as the new county commissioner.
Photograph By EVANA VLECK
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by Legislative Media | Jul 25, 2016 | Politics
Featured: Guy Bailey, Ph.D, President, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; William H. McRaven, Chancellor, The University of Texas System; and Havidán Rodríguez, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, on Saturday, July 23, 2016. The three UT System leaders were among hundreds of other dignitaries, family, and well-wishers who gathered at the UTRGV Performing Arts Complex auditorium in Edinburg to congratulate the inaugural class of 55 students who are beginning their first year of medical school in Edinburg. The Edinburg Mayor, Edinburg City Council, and Edinburg Economic Development Corporation played key roles in 2013 in securing a full-fledged medical school from the Texas Legislature for deep South Texas. Rodríguez also is a former member of the Edinburg EDC Board of Directors.
Photograph By DAVID PIKE
For the first time in almost a year, Edinburg’s unemployment rate rose above five percent, based on the June 2016 estimate by the Texas Workforce Commission, but that figure still represents the best showing for that month in the city since June 2008, the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation has announced. Edinburg, with a 5.4 percent monthly unemployment rate, along with McAllen (5.1 percent) and Harlingen (5.7 percent), were the only three cities in deep South Texas to post figures for June 2016 under six percent, the Texas Workforce Commission reported on Friday, July 22, 2016. According to the latest data, there were 36,322 people employed in Edinburg during the month of June 2016. That performance represents an increase of 612 jobs in Edinburg when comparing the employment figures for June 2016 (36,322) and June 2015 (35,710).
by Legislative Media | Jul 9, 2016 | Politics

Featured, from left: Daniel Rivera, Founder, Grindstone Coworking of Edinburg ( and Agustín García, Jr., Executive Director of the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation, reviewing key data about the strength of the Edinburg economy prior to a broadcast interview on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 on KURV710 Talk Radio.
Photograph By DIEGO REYNA
For the second consecutive month, Edinburg’s retail economy during May 2016 had the best rate of improvement – 10.78 percent – over the same month last year among the Valley’s major cities, while by comparison, cities statewide reported a combined average improvement of 2.7 percent in May 2016 compared with May 2015, the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation has announced. These figures are based on sales made in May 2016 by businesses that report tax monthly. For May 2016, Edinburg’s retail economy generated $1,730,440.77 in local sales taxes, compared with $1,561,948.68 during the same time in 2015, representing the improvement of 10.78 percent, according to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The local sales tax is used in Edinburg to help pay for many city services, while the Edinburg EDC uses its one-half cent local sales tax to help generate economic development in the city.
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